Out next meeting will be held on
Saturday 15th
June 2013
1:30pm at Meadowbank Community Centre
29 St Johns Road, Meadowbank
We have a lady by the name of Jean Griffiths who
will be giving a talk on Chinese adoptees, she will also be bringing data
projector for a slide show of her trip back to Hong Kong in 2010
During 1950’s & 60’s, due to extreme poverty in
China and Hong Kong, many children were abandoned ( on street corners) or sold
by their parents in the hope of a better life for their child. At that
period of time there was British influence in Hong Kong, many children were
adopted to many English speaking countries, i.e. N.Z., Canada and many
more countries through out the world
New Members are always welcomed.
Afternoon will be served.
Registration costs: (to cover costs of hall hire & afternoon tea)
NZCA members $2
Non-members $3
A raffle will be held during the afternoon $1 for 1 ticket or $2 for 3 tickets (no obligation to purchase). For further enquiries please contact: Myra Lowe on 444 0717 after 7:00pm
or email: