Saturday, April 2, 2016

NZ Chinese Association at Te Tii Marae, Waitangi, 5-6 February 2016

NZ Chinese Association at Te Tii Marae, Waitangi, 5-6 February 2016


Annette Huang


Our next meeting for this year will be held on Saturday 16th April 2016 at 1.30pm at
Meadowbank Community Centre, 29 St Johns Rd, Meadowbank

A lady by the name of Annette Huang, who has travelled to China many times with her husband, will do a talk on villages in China.  
She will be showing pictures on screen and also bringing photos with her.
Please bring along friends and neighbours to hear this interesting talk
Afternoon tea will be served
New members are always welcome
Registration costs NZCA members  $2.00   Non members  $3.00   (to cover hall hire and afternoon tea)
A raffle will be held during the afternoon   -   $1.00 per ticket or $2.00 for 3 tickets  (no obligation to purchase)

For further enquiries please contact Myra